API Reference

External transfer

This endpoint allows you to initiate an external transfer from your Cafe One wallet to your bank account.

Request Body
The request should include the following parameters:

amountnumberThe amount to transfer from your Cafe One wallet to your bank account.
fromWalletAccountNumberstringThe account number or identifier associated with your Cafe One wallet.
toExternalAccountNumberstringThe bank account number where you want to transfer the funds.
bankCodestringThis parameter is used to specify the bank code of the recipient's bank.
accountNamestringThe name associated with the bank account to which you transfer the funds.
bankNamestringThe name of the bank where the destination account is held.
memostringThe bank code or identifier associated with the destination bank.
ownerIdstringAn identifier for the owner or account holder initiating the transfer.
organizationIdstringAn identifier for the organization.
yourTnxRefstringA reference number for tracking the transaction.
orgServiceChargeobjectAn object that contains your organization service fee and settlement account
creditAccountNumberstringThe account number where service charges will be credited.
chargeAmountnumberThe amount charged as a service fee for the transaction.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!